Imagine someone told you to close your eyes and handed you something; when you opened your eyes, you are now holding a gun. What do you do? How would you feel? Are you panicked? Are you afraid? If imagining this scenario has flooded you with anxiety, keep reading…

I know this is a touchy subject for most people and can make for a pretty uncomfortable conversation. Believe me, it is for my family too. So let me start by saying that I am not here to engage in a political debate or pass judgement on anyone’s beliefs regarding firearms. I am here however to advocate for LEARNING about them. I will admit that for me firearms were incredibly intimidating before I learned about them. Today, I conceal carry, and I hunt and shoot recreationally with firearms almost daily. But I wasn’t always so comfortable around guns.

I grew up in a household where guns were mostly seen on TV or in the movies we watched. I remember seeing several of them around my dad’s office, but I was always too scared to ask what they were for or why he needed them. My brother, like most teenage boys, grew up playing the “shoot em up” video games and paintball. I often played these games with him, and I will admit they were fun; but they were all about shooting other people…In real life, firearms to me where seen as a tool of destruction, deadly and scary, not something I ever wanted to handle. Based on my experience, I understand how firearms can be confusing to kids.

When I moved out west, my dad made me take a concealed carry class so that I could protect myself as I traveled across the country. It was my first real exposure to firearms and, as you can imagine, I was intimidated and scared. After I completed the course, I spent a lot of time working on my aim at shooting ranges, practicing how to safely load/unload and carry a firearm, and began to feel more confident that I could use one if I had to! Last summer I had an amazing experience when my older sister and her family came out to Nebraska to visit from Ohio. It was a culture shock for them to say the least, to be surrounded by taxidermy, guns and wildlife. Being a 5th grade teacher, my sister had a very negative view on guns because of all the destruction they have caused in schools. Still, she wanted to shoot a gun – specifically a hand gun – because she never had, but she was very apprehensive. Together we went through the ins and outs of handling the gun safely. I taught her (along with my nieces) about muzzle control, loading the magazine, feeling the trigger, proper grip and how to aim. When she was ready, my sister took aim, pulled that trigger, smashed a clay pigeon and looked back at me with a look that said “Whoa, that was awesome!” Per her request, we continued to shoot for the rest of the day, and my nieces even learned to shoot my husband’s small .22 rifle that he grew up with. To see my sister start the day with a fear of guns and end the day with a fascination and respect for them meant everything to me. This is what I want for everyone.

Our country continues to become more and more violent as the years go on. People are filled with hate and anger about things they don’t know and understand. It scares me to watch the news and see the violence caused by firearms everyday in America. So yes, it may seem contradictory that I support the ownership of firearms and the second amendment, but hear me out. Growing up in the city, recreational shooting and firearm education were not easily available for me to learn. Therefore, I truly believe that gun misconceptions ultimately come from a lack of education, awareness and exposure to firearms within a safe environment.

I am passionate about teaching others about firearms so that they will gain confidence in using them, whether that be for recreational reasons or for personal protection. I am an advocate for firearm awareness, safe gun handling and responsible gun ownership. I started this company with the vision and ultimate goal of inspiring people to learn and not be afraid of what they don’t yet understand. If you have even the slightest interest in firearms but don’t know where to start, I am here to help. Please reach out and share your desire to learn. My passion is to educate and provide resources for you to feel comfortable and competent around firearms. There are some amazing organizations out there that also share this same vision, and I guarantee there are some in your area that I can help you connect with.  Thanks for reading and having an open mind; and lets Make America Kind Again.

#firearms #responsiblegunownership #respect #education #dontchooseignorance #2A

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