To My Fellow Lyme Warriors,

I’ve lived almost half my life being undiagnosed with a disease that is treatable. Some may consider the word treatable as curable, but what does it mean to be cured of Lyme Disease? I am in my 25th consecutive month of Lyme disease treatments and unfortunately, more than I care to admit, it can be difficult to stay positive. I know you know what it’s like to go through this rollercoaster of emotions – feeling well one day while barely being able to get out of bed on others. But surprisingly, one thing I have been able to do (thus far) is not lose hope. The biggest realization I have had during this journey is this; it’s a continuous journey, the road to being “cured” and staying healthy never ends…

Over the past 2 years, my treatment protocols have been a combination of alternative and conventional medicines. When I started my first Lyme specific treatment in September of 2018, we were using herbal remedies for Borellia, Babesia and Bartonella along with supplements for detoxing. We started out slow, because the Herx reactions were so terrible. My migraines were still debilitating, especially with any sort of physical activity, and my gut was a mess. In March of 2019, my Lyme specialist started incorporating pharmaceuticals for GI parasites and by that summer my gut was better than I ever knew it could be. This accomplishment alone has made me even more  hopeful about beating Lyme as I continue to fight it. In June, we started on more pharmaceuticals (anti-malarial and antibiotic medications) in conjunction with herbal supplements to help kill Babesia, more specifically. I was feeling well enough to work out again, and roughly 5 days a week I was walking several miles and lifting for 2 hrs a day. I had not been able to do that amount of physical activity since high school. It was exciting to see results and actually start doing the things I love to do.

But with Lyme, there are always setbacks of some kind. In August of 2019, I was spending time in the outdoors more, and I had started prepping for hunting season. Gary and I hung tree stands around our usual hunting spots and after we got back home, I felt a small scab-like bump on the back of my neck. It was another tick. I had sprayed down with tick preventatives beforehand and was cautious where I walked, but still I ended up having another tick embedded in me. That day broke me completely; it set me back in my treatments and limited me physically again. (I open up more about this experience, and share actual footage of that day on my YouTube Channel).

It’s been over a year since re-exposure to tick-born infections and I am still continuing treatment with protocols of alternating antibiotics and antimalarial drugs. I keep reminding myself that I have to keep going. I have come so far in this fight, and I know we are close. I also keep reminding myself that after I finally reach the “finish line,” I owe it to myself and everyone I love to live my best life; a continuously healthy life.

If I am being honest, my journey fighting Lyme disease and the recent setbacks have created a fear in me about being outdoors. Along with this underlying fear, I sometimes find myself angry at the fact that my passion (and the biggest avenue that has led me to who I am today) is something I’ve developed a fear over. But the reality is, we can’t live a life in fear; because living in fear isn’t living at all. Yes, I think twice about spring turkey hunting – and walking through pastures – but I need the outdoors in my life, because it’s my avenue for healing. The outdoors fuels me, so I can’t be limited by fear. And ultimately, I wholeheartedly believe the outdoors is my outlet for beating Lyme.

You CAN do this.

I know every Lyme case is different, but the common thread between us all should be hope. We can support one another and through this roller coaster of a journey, we can finish the “ride” with better health and opportunities. We need to focus on continuous progression, rather than allowing Lyme Disease to define us. New beginnings happen every day! Continue to do the things you love, and keep those you love closer. You already have your cure; it’s you.

#lymedisease #lymewarrior #health #bestrong #yourethecure

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