Okay everyone; this recipe is why I absolutely love dove hunting. I LOVE DOVE POPPERS! Dove hunting is a perfect introduction into the hunting lifestyle, especially for newly interested outdoor enthusiasts. My first dove hunt was a women’s only event through our Pheasants Forever Chapter, and I learned so much about hunting, and met some incredible people. What’s cool about dove hunting is it’s affordable, and is by far the most relaxing and welcoming type of hunting there is. Also, dove hunting season is usually early September so the weather makes it very enjoyable. So, behold one of the greatest appetizers you could ever make; they’re simple, and are a great hit with any event: Featuring our Jalapeño or Pineapple Dove Poppers.
Just a heads up, this recipe is not like normal recipes where you have serving sizes and exact proportions; but don’t fret because I will literally show you how to make them step by step. Let’s do this!
Cook Temperature and Time: 350 Degrees on the Grill (we use the Pit Boss Sportsman’s Pellet Grill) for roughly 45mins
Serves: 5-7 Hungry Human Beings (24 Dove Poppers)
*Disclaimer: may serve less or more Hungry Human Beings, depending on how hungry you are!
Ingredients-Here’s what you need:
- 12 Dove breasts
- 1 Package (12 strips) of Classic Cut Bacon
- Sliced Jalapeños (you can use fresh jalapeños or one’s that come in a jar) or Pineapple slices
- 1 Block of Cream Cheese
- 1/3 Cup of Brown Sugar
- Toothpicks—many toothpicks

Directions Per Dove Popper:
- Cut bacon slices in half for a total of 24 pieces of bacon. Once the bacon is cut, lay bacon out on a pan/cookie sheet.
- Add 1/2 dove breast to each piece of bacon (I preferably like all ingredients towards one end; it helps when rolling them into poppers).
- Add a slice of jalapeño OR pineapple (we usually do one or the other).
- Add a heaping teaspoon of cream cheese (if you like cream cheese, add more).
- Roll popper and use a toothpick (or several) to hold together.
- Transfer poppers to the grill and cook at 350 degrees for roughly 35-40 minutes, or until meat is fully cooked.
- While poppers are cooking, create the brown sugar glaze by adding 3 tablespoons of water to 1/3 cup of brown sugar. Stir until glaze is evenly distributed and thick.
- When poppers are fully cooked, apply brown sugar glaze to the poppers while on the grill and let cook for an additional 5 minutes. Remove poppers from the grill when the bacon is crispy and the glaze is ‘caramelized’.

That’s it! Easy right?! You should know by now I like recipes that are simple, because I have very little patience and skills in the kitchen (really in general). All joking aside, we dove hunt often in Western Nebraska not just because we love it, but the gratification of putting delicious food like this on our table is why we truly love this lifestyle. If you have any questions on how to get started with your first dove hunting experience, don’t hesitate to reach out; I can help you every step of the way. If you haven’t already, check out more educational content on the Solitude Boulevard YouTube page, and follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Stay safe, be well and enjoy the outdoors!
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