I'm Jaime
Growing up in a middle class suburb of Ohio I had everything I ever wanted at my fingertips. Life for me and my family was busy, loud, and fast. Even though I had what most would consider an ideal upbringing, something always seemed to be missing. In a world of chaos and noise, what I craved most was finding my inner peace and solitude. I knew that the only place I truly felt that stillness was the outdoors.
I needed space and quiet.
I needed to truly understand my purpose here on earth.
The "something" I so desperately needed,
despite living in the lap of luxury,
was to find inner peace and solitude.
The Full Story
Growing up in Dublin, Ohio you could say I was an odd kid. While most people go through an awkward phase in middle school, mine began in kindergarten and still hasn’t quite gone away. Today, I have learned to embrace it.
I would consider myself an explorer and adventurer, always seeking to learn about new things and places.
In Dublin, there weren’t a lot of opportunities to learn about the outdoor lifestyle. My first education of the outdoors occurred on the lakes of Minnesota when we spent time with my mom’s family. Fishing and family were what I looked forward to most on those summer vacations. There, in Minnesota, life seemed much simpler and slower than back home, and I craved the relaxed feeling.
Fishing was the gateway to my outdoor calling, and I wanted to do it every chance I got. My mom started finding ponds around the city so we could fish together at home. It became my escape from the noise and congestion of the world I grew up in.

After college, it was time for me to get out on my own and escape suburban life. At the time, I didn’t know the decision would change the whole trajectory of my life, but it did.
Have you ever experienced a place, where you knew the moment you were there it would have a piece of your soul forever?
My college internship at a large farming and cattle operation in Hyattville, Wyoming allowed me to experience an atmosphere of total seclusion and solitude. During my time there, my beliefs and dreams became clearer. I felt grounded. And, for the first time in my life, all of the fear, negativity and doubt that clouded my mind just disappeared. Things were finally quiet enough that I felt like I could hear my own soul.

Looking back, moving out west was the best decision I have ever made. Not only did I find my calling and love for the outdoors, I also eventually found my husband and best friend.
When I met my husband Gary, our souls immediately connected through the outdoors. He taught me how to shoot my first bow, which inspired my passion for bow hunting, and he introduced me to countless other aspects of the outdoors.
He welcomed me into a world I had only dreamt about being a part of, and I am forever grateful that we found each other.
Being in the outdoors helped me find my true sense of self, the person I always knew I was at my core.
It wasn’t until I took that fateful leap and went out on my own that I found memorable moments of solitude, each of which is a part of who I am today.

Now, as an avid hunter, angler, and recreational shooter, it is my hope to help other women find their passion and purpose and to inspire and advocate others to live their best lives outdoors.
Welcome to Solitude Boulevard, where my vision is to provide resources for all women to feel confident in the outdoors.